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All the chocolate bars fit in the carry on!

Writer's picture: Deborah KadeDeborah Kade

Later start in the day as Michael had some work that needed to be addressed; and I had to finish writing my blog from yesterday. 

Back to Cailler to buy the chocolate bars this time and to get one more package of hot chocolate mix. Michael would rather buy Caotina or even Suchard. My favorite is Cailler, so we end up buying both.  I think we bought around 150 different milk and dark chocolate bars. Michael is not a fan of the Cailler hot chocolate but he doesn't mind a hot chocolate with whipped cream as we wait for the train.

It is another overcast day with rain expected later on in the evening. Gray cloudy days are great for photographing yellow plants at noon, but I am waiting for a sunny clear blue sky day. 

Harvesting of potatoes is on the agenda for many farmers today. 

Red and green lettuce and leeks look to be ready for harvesting. Some beds are ready to have another planting before the cold weather. It usually is lettuce.

Many farmers around Fribourg, Romont, and Bulle are haying today. Well, there is more blue sky than in the Berner Oberland. 

The cows in Bulle only wear teeny tiny little bells attached to their collar. 

What do you think of when you hear the word Nestle? Well, Nestlé has more than 2,000 brands, from global icons to local favorites. I was surprised at some of the brands under the Nestlé family. Cailler is just one member of the Nestlé family.

There was a Nestlé store next to Cailler but it closed last year. Now, it is a much smaller store tucked away in the corner. I would not have known, but I recognized a sign listing Nestlé products. 

Every time I had passed a Nespresso factory I always wondered if they sold them at a factory store. Next year I will have to check the price back in Arizona and compare it to what it is selling at this factory store. There was quite a variety of Nespresso pods and tea. 

The smell of chocolate permeated the air as we left the train. 

Patrick teaching another class.

Playground was remodeled this year.

Au Revoir, Cailler for another year.

Città Vecchia closes this weekend for their vacation, so Michael and I went one more time. 

Mixed salad

Fettuccine with pistachio pesto and burrata. I even learned the recipe.

Michael had the veal with lemon sauce.

Panna cotta with warm berries

Tawny port to finish the meal.

Didn't expect a rainbow, but it was very special to me!

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