Tanja came over to Sunny Days this morning. She and Michael updated the Internet connections to the rooms. It works so well!!!!!!
Later on, Max and Kathi stopped over to say goodbye. They are on their way to Italy.

Sleeping is on top of the roof. Don't know how they fit way up there!!!

Everything you need for camping.

They are on their way to Italy.

Michael and I had a later start to the day so we decided to take the boat cruise from the Interlaken Ost location to Brienz.
Lake Brienz is one of Switzerland's largest and deepest mountain lakes. It is famous for its impressive play of colors- crystal clear, blue, emerald green and turquoise. What is the secret to these colors? Is it the sun's rays casting a spell on the lake by trying to penetrate down the depth of 260 meters? Do the glacial rivers carry the secrets of the Jungfrau, Mönch and the Eiger? I only know the colors are ever changing and beautiful!

After leaving the dock, the first stop was Bönigen. This is the village where Tanja's grandparents live.

Cruising is possible on Lake Brienz from early April to late October. The pride of the Brienzersee is the historic belle époque paddle steamer SS Lötschberg dating from 1914. Tanja's great-grandfather was the first captain of the Lötschberg.

2nd class dining lounge

The Lötschberg entered service in 1914. It served only 9 days before the outbreak of World War I brought the season to a close.
Returned to service only for the 1923 season. The paddle boat was converted from coal to oil firing in 1967/68.
Major renovations were done in 1998/89 and 2000/01.
During 2000/01, the original boilers were replaced by a single new boiler. This was an opportunity to restore many of the original features and "feel" of the ship. Her original dark green/ light green color scheme was also restored.
She really is the jewel of Lake Brienz. There has been a regular boat service on Lake Brienz since 1839. Today, the fleet numbers five. The regular boat service links all the little places around the lake on its route from Interlaken to Brienz.
It is so relaxing cruising the lake. There was a quick three or four minute snow shower, so of course we needed a hot chocolate. The beerenkuchen (Waldbeeren auf Vanillebisquit which translates to wild berries with a vanilla cookie crust cake) went so well with the hot chocolate. There were raspberries, blackberries, blueberries and red currants. Delicious!!!!

Michael and I were going to stop at the Giessbach Falls but decided to come back home early so he could get some work done for a customer. While on the boat, we passed the Grand Hotel Giessbach, which looks like a fairy tale castle perched on the hill, and the roaring waterfalls thundering down in a number of stages down 500 meters into the lake.

The oldest funicular railway in Europe leads from the landing stage in Geissbach straight up to the hotel.

On our way back home, we met up with Rose, the 97 or is it 98 year old whom lives in the apartment diagonally from Sunny Days. She told us she has fallen twice in the last couple weeks. Nothing is broken but she is black and blue in quite a few places. Rose was using a walker and she told us she is even using one in the house. She invited us over for cake and tea. We definitely will go. She is a wonderful woman and gracious hostess whom has so many stories to share. Rose is also an excellent baker. Her homemade plum torte is amazing!!!!
What to have for dinner was a simple answer. It is Città Vecchia as Michael hasn't had the lasagna yet.

Michael started with the mixed salad with a balsamic Italian dressing while I had the fresh mushroom soup. Freshly baked crusty bread was still warm. So yummy!

For the main course, Michael had the melt in your mouth lasagna and I had the Rusticana pizza with hot oil.

We usually don't have dessert but tonight we both decided on the lemon sorbet with vodka. Look closely and you can see they didn't spare the vodka!!!!! The sorbet was swimming in the vodka. We both had red cheeks after that!!

The church bells had already tolled eight and this was our view on the walk back home.

An amazing close to a delightful day!